Revitalize Your Skin: The Benefits of Face Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Face lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste out for elimination. Face lymphatic improves the function of the Lymphatic System, alleviating symptoms of Post-Surgical Swelling, Auto-Immune Disorder, Fibromyalgia & Post Traumatic Edema (including Sports Injuries, Plastic Surgery and Liposuction).

At Velvet Skin we promote general relaxation and skin detoxification, including reducing swelling and pain to expedite your healing time.|

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage sessions are customized to each client's needs.

The Lymphatic System is an important component of the immune system that fights against foreign substances in the body. The Lymphatic System's function is to help keep the body's tissues healthy by removing metabolic wastes, excess water, proteins, pathogens and toxins from the tissue via the lymph vessels. From the lymph nodes the lymph vessels transports the fluid back to the blood (circulatory system). Approximately 40% of then fragile lymphatic vessels are subcutaneous (located just under the skin).

If the pathways become blocked, damaged, congested or severed, then the fluids can build up in the tissue leading to edema and fibrosis.

If there is damage in the tissue (burns, chronic inflammation, ulceration or hematoma) then the lymph vessel system must transport the damage cells, inflammatory products and toxins away from the area. The quicker this can happen, the faster the recovery will be. Manual Lymph Drainage can aid in this process.

Facial Lymphatic Drainage  is a soothing and relaxing massage that can detox your complexion, drain fluids, increase the circulation, reduce swelling and puffiness.


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